• Two days on, one day off
    • Sufficient protein, average of 2g per kilogram per day

  • Sufficient protein pre + post training also on OFF days
  • Alternate exercises, most sessions do compound exercises
  • GO HEAVY – high intensity, low duration
  • Rest – Sleep
  • Water
Day 1
MuscleΒ  Exercise Sets Repetition
Quadriceps Leg extensions 3 8-15
Squats 5 6-12
Leg press 4 6-12
Abdominal Roman sit-ups, (advanced trainers use a plate) 3 8-15
Choose any other AB exercise 2-3 10-20
Day 2
Chest Incline dumbbell flyes or Cable cross overs 3 8-12
Flat dumbbell press 3 6-10
Incline bench press 3 6-8
Wide grip dips 2 6-8
Triceps Overhead EZ bar extensions or seated dumbbell tricep extensions 3 6-12
Tricep cable push downs 3 6-12
Β  Dip Machine 2 6-12
Day 3
Shoulders Dumbbell side raises 2 8-10
Β  Overhead barbell press (military press) 3 6-10
Dumbbell press 3 6-10
Hamstrings Leg curls 4 6-10
Stiff leg deadlifts 2 8-10
Calves Standing calve raises 3 8-15
Donkey calve raises or seated 3 8-12
Toe press on the leg press machine 2 8-12
Day 4
Back Lat pull downs or chin ups 3 6-10
Β  45-degree close grip pulldowns or T-bar rows 3 6-10
One arm dumbbell rows 2 6-8
Deadlifts or bent over barbell rows 3 6-8
Biceps Dumbbell curls 3 8-12
Β  Barbell curls 3 8-12
Seated curls machine or cable curls 2 8-12